
开调研任务会,某A没去开会,遂决定将某任务T指定给A,后又讨论任务T',拟制定给B, B补充说T'任务和T相关,我愿协助A完成T和T',
最后,会议的重点移到由谁来通知A去执行T和T', 决定有没有参加会议的C通知A, 大会的最后一项是讨论由谁通知C去通知A

Instead, "institutions directly determine what arrows a firm has in
its quiver as it struggles to formulate and implement strategy"

Regardless of disciplinary roots, there is a remarkable consensus on a
core proposition: Institutions matter.

The institution-based view adds a significant piece to the puzzle by
drawing on both formal and informal aspects of the institutional
framework during postwar decades

It is likely that firms will innovate when they sense that
differential profitability is higher than their  expectations. Thus we
arrive at our first hypotheses:

While xxxxism held conter stage, alternate perspective were in the wings.
